Fed Lunacy is creating euphoria in inflation protection strategies. It looks like portfolio managers are grabbing everything that is not nailed down. Commodities and stocks are in heaven, while long-term bonds are sliding with yields rising. Wait!!! Say what? Let's exhale and remember what was intended in Fed's heroic actions of QE
Infinity. They are supposedly buying the long-term securities in order to keep their yields down, thus providing low-rate financing for housing, while allowing purchasers to qualify for higher balances on mortgages, and therefore theoretically increasing the prices of homes.
So take a look at some charts below. 5-yr UST-TIPS breakeven inflation rate is breaking out. There is a rout going on in the treasury market - bond investors are screaming "inflation" at the top of their lungs.
But after QE1, 2, and Twist, in which Fed bought over $2T of government securities, Case Shiller HPI 10 and 20-city composites rose a measly 0.1% and 0.5% respectively YoY in June of 2012.
Fed is pushing on a string.
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